Important note: I am not my character. I am a female that RPs males. If'n you got a problem with that, suck my cock.
Nicknamed Rev for his career in auto mechanics, the fawn rat sports a long, peachy, mottled tail dusted in coarse hair. His feet and hands are much the same, but the hair is fur, and quite a bit darker. Each thick finger is tipped in a prickly nail. His creamy fur razors down the back of his neck and between his shoulder blades. The oil of his skin gathers predominately there; it is the source of most of his musk. While his 6'7" frame is heavily corded in well-worked muscle, his abdomen is not sharply defined. He drinks a bit too much for that. And hell, German guts don't tend to be shaped that way.
Reinke Krauser was put up for adoption in America. That is to say, he was conceived in Germany and delivered in America; just in time to be given to the dilapidated church in downtown-(insert bustling city, here.) While his body grew swiftly, his brain stayed average. He struggled through high school; luckily, his female instructors could appreciate his more admirable ...ah... assets. He managed to pass.
Involvement with local gang fights left him with little choice other than the military. The slate-grey rodent had little to look forward with his minimal education; reliance on the church system; and violent, illegal activities. The marines shaped him up and gave him connections with friends who would share their interests in car mechanics. The garage in which he works, now, benefits greatly from his handiwork.
Poor guy. A lifetime of struggle, alcoholism, and plain ol' genetics has left him with a bad ticker and severe anger issues. He's still working on his violent tendencies, with moderate success.