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Name: Miki
Age: 19
Height: 5 foot 3
Weight: Light enough
Bust: CC, but appear DD due to her body size. Still easily able to be groped though.
Butt: Look at Pic
Fur: Golden yellow with white hands, feet, tail tips, and front.
Sexuality: Equal to all basically.

BIO: As young as she is, her intellect exceeds normal limits, and is smart enough to make an exact copy of anything she sees, even from video games and fiction shows. She has also made a drug that accidentally made her body sensitive to sexual touch, as well as her tail and ears.

CLOTHING: Currently only golden yellow-color underwear, so her breasts won't sag and so to cover herself somewhat. May wear more in the future.

PERSONALITY: You'll find that out when I speak.

OTHER: is extremely into bondage, SM, anal, orgy, and stuff like that. No scat, gore, vore, mutilation, death or major inflation. Also, she carries a magazine with girls in it. At the moment, she is holding a magazine of Zig Zag.

Due to a transformation, her body has somehow become more developed, meaning curvier thighs and FF breasts. She also has a tattoo of a blue rose on the back of her neck, and her general body has grown to 5 foot 7 to accommodate her new breasts and butt/thighs. Her fur is also tinged with light green, and her eyes are now sea-green.

People she likes:
Manx - such a cute kitty!
Keezku - loving. Very loving.


Chibi form (Rena_Chibi):
2 foot
breast size: BB but appears CC. Same circumstance with regular form.
butt: fits the image

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Page last autogenerated at Sun, Apr 03 / 2011 (05:49 PM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)