
Name: Ren
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 135 lbs
Race: Collie
Description: Ren is a short haired collie, somewhat on the short side. She is lightly built, muscles showing through her very soft fur. She has short, floppy ears, as tuned and sensitive as her golden eyes and powerful black canine nose. She is thin, but not overly so, hating women who starve themselves to be smaller. Her fur patterns are similar to normal collies, her back covered in jet black fur that follows around to her sides, over her eyes. From her forehead down to her crotch, her fur is a pure, fluffy white. The pattern also trails down her inner legs down to her footpaws, both of her big toes being white. Her swishy tail is white tipped as well. She has silky shoulder length hair or headfur, black mostly with white highlights. Her breasts are somewhat large and heavy, 36 DDs with thick, perky pink nipples. Her right arm is bionic, yet is covered by an artificial skin and fur covering. It looks and feels like real fur, however, and you couldn't tell the difference unless she told you.
Clothing: Ren never wears the same thing twice. she prefers loose clothing, but her style really depends on the time of the year and what kind of job she's been on recently Ren now has bionic eyes, giving her X-Ray, Thermal, Night vision and etc.
Sexuality: Ren is bisexual! She likes males and females equally, but she likes canines especially. Fairly dominant when it comes to other girls, but she doesn't mind being controlled every once in a while.

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The Briefcase: The briefcase is one that she was assigned to retrieve during one of her jobs, but when she saw exactly what it was, she simply claimed that it was destroyed in the blast that killed the target and kept it for herself. The briefcase is either an extremely powerful piece of technology or simply magic, can store an infinite amount of objects. When opened it is a normal briefcase, but if you place your hand against the top and think of what you have stored there, it will shine in a blue light and open to reveal the thing you had stored. Ren found this to be very useful and now stores weapons, clothing, and other things needed for her job inside.
Biography: (later)

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Page last autogenerated at Sun, Oct 10 / 2010 (12:05 PM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)