
Stands at 4'9, female frog. Black-grey skin, dark forest green cheeks, Gold eyes,White hair.

Clothing is typically green.

Warning; is coated in a light psudo-magical poison that causes pleasant arousal, A High, and hyperness. More below.

'The sample given causes a high equivalent to canabis, hyperness and eagerness befitting speed, and the overactive effect of the same ingredients in Arousing medication such as Viagra. Do not mix with alcohol as this hightens the effects unprodictibly. Rats given the substance with a drop of alcohol caused feral tendancies for wild mating. Male rat caused 46 pregnancies due to the flurry of mating.'

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Page last autogenerated at Thu, Feb 14 / 2019 (11:57 AM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)