
As you look toward the door, you see it swing open, but instead of someone standing there, you see a pair of large, red furred footpaws! o.O As you watch, they get smaller and smaller, until a pair of well muscled shins slide into view, then an equally muscled set of thighs, a touch of brownish fur along the inner thighs blending with the red of the rest. As you watch, the person outside comes more into view: large, well rounded hips and a powerful, curvy rump packed into extremely short cutoff jeans comes into view, the bottoms of the pockets showing as she shrinks smaller. You can see the brownish red fur of her inner thighs sliding up into the crotch of the cutoffs... The cut of the jeans is tight enough to show you the curve of her mound, pressing tightly to the fabric, and the hint of an outline of her slit. You also realize that what you thought was just the background is in fact an enormous tail, thick and luxuriously furred, that is swishing gently back and forth behind her. Just looking atit make you want to nuzzle and cuddle the soft, floofy thing close.

Smaller and smaller she goes, showing a set of feminine but very well cut and detailed washboard abs covered in more brownish red fur, with more red fur running up her sides, as well as two athletically muscled arms. She seems to swell out again as the red furred undersides of her breasts slide into view a slim line of brownish fur between them. A far too small tank top comes into view before you can see much more than the wide, round swell of them... though the top fits so tightly her nipples show through as easily as if they were uncovered anyway. ^_^

Her face slides into view next; a pattern of brown and red fur, she has two distinctive white lines running down along her muzzle from her eyes to the tip of her black nose. A constant, cheerful smile is on her lips, and her deep green eyes seem to pull you in as she looks at you, smiling wider. Long, luxurious brown hair rests on her shoulders in a finely groomed fall of curls, and her large, expressive ears flick back and forth, the soft white furred insides standing out against her earthtoned body. She walks in with her usual happy call of 'Hihi!' her voice soft and sweet, and settled next to you. ...Now what are you going to do with her? ^_^

I am a macro, which means that I am a size changer. I can shift anywhere from 7 feet tall to over 300 ft, and as I grow larger, so does my bofy's build and the curves I possess... ^_~

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Page last autogenerated at Sat, Oct 14 / 2006 (11:14 AM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)