Name: Raz
Age: 27
Height: 5ft3
Sex: Female
Species: Rabbit
Breed: Lop-eared rabbit. Her ears lop downwards and reach to just abover her knees, making them approx. 4ft themselves.
Occupation: English Teacher
Description: Raz stands at about five feet tall and is a long eared rabbit anthro. Long fur adorns her small figure and there is a large patch of fur covering the front of her chest (ideal for cuddling her face into or someone else's). Her ears begin at the top of her head and end at the back of her knees - hense the name of the breed of rabbit she is.
She usually wears a logo t-shirt - sometimes with video game or film references on them - and black combat trousers with too many pockets and a series of chains, as her human counterpart does, except with a hole in the back of her trousers for her tail to poke through. Occasionally she mightbe seen wearing a tight black turtleneck sweater with black fingerless gloves attached to it.
A distinguishing feature is that her hair is dark blue in colour and her fur is a very light ice blue in colour. Why this is no one is really sure (she assures us that she has not dyed her fur in any way. It just looks that way!). As if her fur colour wasn't blue enough her wide eyes are also blue; always looking around in amazement or awe...or cutely...or...(you get the picture)
Recently she's been seen carrying a sketchpad or a canvas around with her in preperation for university. She can be found sitting by the tub with her pad and pencil in hand, always ready to meet new people.
Occasionally she can be seen wearing certain cosplay outfits - usually the ones she's working on in real life.
Personality: Since visiting the Tub as a regular, her personality has become much like her own real life personality. Not as shy as she was before, she is now the open and relaxed tomboy she is in real life. Shy at first, but loud in a crowd of friends, and always up for a laugh with the other visitors to the Tub.
She can often get competetive and challenging, mainly with Rhodry and Felinix, but takes it all as a laugh. Friendly and almost too relaxed about everything. She is an open geek who enjoys anime and manga and is always eager to get into conversations about films. Sometimes she dresses in cosplay and runs loose, playing the part or generally scrapping.
Then there's a suddenly submissive side to her when things get heated...
Recently she's been seen in the company of Wyborova and Electra and generally enjoys the company of the pair. They are more or less as close as lovers can be. The bunny, neko-mimi, and pikachu can be seen enjoying tender moments together.
People I know here:
Linnaeus, Kinskie, Kalmbach, Clooney, Caz, Aya, Rosie, Pyro, Cyo, Lucretia, Bear, Rhodry, Windcrafte, Felinix, Wyborova, FrostDemn, Anatolia, Bogkun, Rena-Chibi, Artica, Drogoon, Victoria, Electra, Neo, Dracon, Papi, Amon, Pell, Pulse, Lord Waffles, Petre, and Mistress Breiana <3
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