
Name: Rania Halbrook
Age: Unknown
Species: Chinchilla
Gender: Female
Appearance: (See Pictures)
Orientation: Bi, heavy preference for males. However she isn't very sexual at all.

(Pictures do need to be updated).

She can be quiet, and often times she is seen carrying around a large duffle bag filled with who knows what. She is always prepared. When she isn't expecting a mission, she is usually seen running her "Mercenary Bar."...which isn't a bar JUSt for mercenaries. It is just named that. On the side, she is an amazing bar tender.

Too lazy to do anything else, sorry. Want more info? Ask.

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Page last autogenerated at Mon, Sep 28 / 2015 (12:32 PM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)