
Rabbitwolf or as she is now often called Rabbie or Rabbit, is a being of some complexity and oddness. Her appearance causes confusion to many minds, but its really very easy to understand once you realise what demons and mad scientists are capable of!

Soft tawny-cream fur covers her entire body, being slightly darker upon the tips of her tail and ears, on the longer fur between her ears and slightly down her neck, and her mound fur is also slightly darker. The fur on her throat and stomach is just a slight bit paler. Normally her fur lies flat against he rbody, byt when it gets damp and she starts to dry out, or she get aggrivated, or overly excited it fluffs up around her, making her slender form look larger, but more cuddly.
When she stands up, Rabbie looks like a 5'6 (to the top of her skull), tall wolf. Except she's not completely wolf-like in appearance. Her ears are 1 and a half feet length of silken rabbitness, and are covered in the darker shade of fur. Her hind legs are also too powerfully looking to be those of a wolf, especially with their long feet and toes, which are very much those of a rabbit. Rabbie's tail is that of a wolf, being very thick and long, which she's forever using to tease other members of the tub, or to wave to people when she pawes are otherwise occupied. Speaking of paws, he rforepaws possess three main digits and a dewclaw/thumb, each of which end in 6inch retractable silvery colourer claws. Her hindlimbs end in three toes each, which also her the retractable claws.
Those looking at her face, and not the small bumps on her chest are greeted by a cold black nose, and large purple eyes. Her eyes hide behind long pale lashes, and the pupil is a jet black slit, like that of a feline. Above her eyes, between and just in front of her ears, a pair of small silvery coloured horns can be seen through her fur.
When she turns around, usually to look coyly over her shoulder, the magpie coloured feathered wings that protrude from between her shoulder blades can be seen. These are usually small in size, and held flush against he rback, so as not to get in the way or damaged. Though she can increase their size to enable her to fly away or to hit people/objects with their powerful beatings.

When she first arrived Rabbie, would come in wearing a silk kimono, but how she leaves that behind. Instead she just wears a leather or suede collar. Normally dark blue in colour it can change depending upon her mood.

The best way to describe what Rabbie is, is a rabbit, wolf, cat, succubus, dragon hybrid. Which accounts for just about all of her character traits and abilities, from the mewing to the vicious rumblings...

When Rabbie becomes angry or very very aroused, she sufferes from bloodlust. This has the effect, if left unchecked of her turning into her demonic form, normally refered to simply as RW, or Her/She.

Rabbitwolf can turn into RW at any point, but by grabbing hold of her collar the transformation will stop entirely, and she will become hyper passive and submissive.
If left to turn into RW completely, (and especially if her collar is removed so she can't be dominated so easily) her appearance doesn't change that drastically. She grows to stand 9ft tall, with 2ft long ears. Her eyes turn from purple to a deep glowing red colour, and her pupil will vanish to a being a thin black line, if her blood lust is up enough! The wings on her back increase in size so that they can support her increased bodysize. The horns upon her head increase in length to about 6inchs, whilst her claws become 12inch lethal talons, ideal for shreading anyone who comes within range.
The teeth and fangs wthin her muzzle increase in length and begom more viciously pointed, her fangs especially increase, the top set sticking out over her bottom lips.

Rabbie ceases to exist (most of the time) when RW is in control, as she actually is split into two personnas. RW and EB

EmilyBunny aka EB
When Rabbitwolf goes blood-crazy, all that is sweet and lovely and innocent about her personality is compressed in to EmilyBunny or EB for short.
EB is a full on bunnygirl. Standing 2ft high plus her ears which are about 9inches in length, she is very cure and chibi in shape. The fur on her ears is very pale champagne-cream coloured, and the tiny tail which peaks out is shiny white.
She rarely climbs into the tub, as she wears a school uniform, but when she does, she's wearing a one-piece bathing suit.
She has taken to not wearing a collar like Rabbitwolf or RW, but to wearing a ribbon-bow about her neck instead, as its cuter, or so she thinks!
EB has a pair of very soft looking transparant angel wings, which she loves to flutter as a sign of happiness.

EB is aware of RW, but doesn't possess the full sexual understanding that either Rabbitwolf or RW does. She's too sweet and innocent to be that interested either! When they rejoin she gives her memories to Rabbitwolf, but doesn't gain them when they split. All she has are nice cute fluffy images in her head, and is easily confused.
if RW and EB are in the same room, RW can control EB to do things, but EB wont fully understand why.

EB loves to be cuddled, to play games of cats-cradle or to throw her big red ball around.

Rabbitwolf, RW and EB all possess a nu,be rof small abilities, usually connected to their flames or body;

Rabbitwolf, RW and EB all have the ability to create blue flames. The first one has to be created by breathing out, but from that single one they can create a whole raging torrent of flames.
Now the thing is, these flames actually dont burn... They aren't hot, they aren't cold. They flicker like flames, and can give the sensation of flames against someone's skin or fur, but wont damage them at all. They also give off a very strong scent of lavander...
All three of them can summon the flames and control them, usually to create binding, ropes or balls to play with.
Rabbitwolf can use the flames to teleport if she needs be, but doesn't usually use them. Though in doing so it allows her to regenerate any none-self-inflicted injuries.
EB also arrives and leaves in a puff of blue flames accompanied by a loud popping noise when she comes into being.
The flames will hang around for virtually forever once created, till they are sent away.

All three can change the size of their wings at will to prevent them getting damaged, they can also to some degree change their own size, but not often.

Rabbitwolf, also has the ability to takeon a full quadrapedal form, which is a large wolf, with long ears and wings basically, but slightly rabbity around the edges.

Jewellery and gifts
Rabbitwolf and indeed RW now sport a thick silver earring with a inner clasp and swirls around it, in their left ears. This was a gift from Tol following on from a rather interesting time they spent together.

In return Rabbitwolf pulled the talon/claw from her left dewclaw and attached it to a length of blue flame cord about Tol's neck as a gift.

Rabbitwolf has also made a gift to Kobatta of two flame anklets and two flame bracelets. They have some rather interesting properties....

On her shelf Rabbitwolf also has a little ballon representation of herself created (in a very interesting manner) by SleepyBunny during a session with Tol, SleepyBunny and Kobatta...

To her collar she's added a small silver coloured locket. Inside is a seriesof pictures all joined together of her most dear fur-friends and one of herself.

This is Rabbitwolf's little hidy hole situated some way above th eTub.
Like a woman's handbag and Dr Who's tardis, the shelf is much bigger than it looks.
Its home to all the paraphinallia Rabbie or her other selves could need, toys, TOYS, books, cushions, their bed etc...

There's one special thing on the shelf, which is a three panelled mirror, which can be tilted to provide three reflection at once. It's VERY special....

Emaile is Rabbitwolf's hermaphrodite form, usually induced by taking a potion of some form... When Emaile arrives rabbitwolf dissappears to sleep in hir mirror panel. (There are now four panels to the mirror...)
Emaile has soft, wide brown eyes, that mist over easily. Hir fur is also a very pale tawny colour.
Like every other persona Emaile has wings, thoguh they're a darkish brown colour. In over all appearance Emaile looks just like Rabbie, except hir ears are shorter, and hir muzzle a little more wolfish. Oh that and the fact shi has an appendage not seen on Rabbitwolf...

Rabbitwolf's brother/twin/male alter-ego, is called Kaile, and when given the chance tried to be very sweet and caring. More like EB than Rabbie or RW
He's taller than Rabbitwolf by about two inches, though his ears are only 5inches high. Unlike Rabbitwolf, he's a mixture of wolf and dragon/demon, as he looks entirely like a wolf except for retractable claws, short black horns and tiny leather black wings. His fur is also a darker shade of golden-cream, being quite short , but dense all across his body, except between his ears, and on the ear tips, where it is longer and even darker in colouration. his eyes are a tawny-blue shade He cant do anything like Rabbitwolf, just sleep very well, and well thrust his penis into someone else, a thing Rabbitwolf cant do.
He also wears a black leather collar about his neck, with a little silver tag, though she hasn't a clue what it reads!

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