Pony Tail, AKA Cathrine, is a human female in her late twenties. She is almost five foot nine inches tall in her bare feet and is on the heavy side of normal when it comes to weight.
You can't call her fat though, unless you are comparing her to the tall and underweight supermodels you find in the media. She is actually within the range of healthy weights for her height.
Her hair, kept at shoulder length, is a dark blonde that almost borders on brown. Most of the time she wears it in a pony tail that is bound by blue ties of various types. On rare occassions she will wear braids or pig tails.
She had grey-blue eyes with thick eyelashes set in an oval face with a high forehead and freckled cheeks. With makeup she looks her age or older. But she rarely wears makeup, preferring the natural look because of its convenience.
The light smattering of freckles on her face is echoed on her arms, legs and chest, places that she allows to be tanned. Outside of those areas she has pinkish pale skin that rarely sees sunlight. Being of light complexion, she avoids wearing bikinis in sunlight.
She does a good job of filling out a bikini though. With a C cup on her left and a D cup on her right, she isn't flat chested.
Now when it comes to her areolas and nipples, you have to look closely to see them, unless she is aroused. Both are almost the color of her untanned skin and both match the curve of her breasts. While the nipples are not quite inverted, they don't protrude like some. Nipple rings and such are not good options for her.
Pony Tail does sport a tattoo on her right butt cheek. The tattoo is a pink heart with an abstract flower centered in the heart and the words Pony Tail arching over the top of the heart.
At the moment Pony Tail is slightly changed. She has cow horns on her head and an equine tail that has lots of hair, enough to sweep the floor like the train of a wedding dress.