
[ Hey folks, it's Widget -- bit of a character revamp! ]

The bottom of this description features some nsfw art. Yay.

Jezebel was truly a cut above the rest; just as spry as the rest of her kin, but twice as smart and beautiful.. or.. so she thinks. It's certainly how she behaves. Dimensionally, Jezebel was rather average indeed, standing perhaps a head or two over three feet tall, and built like a slim pear; narrow in shoulder, wide in hip. Indeed, slightly on the curvier side, there was a softness to her diminutive curvature that suggested a rather easygoing lifestyle, but she was hardly unfit. Lean-muscled and sort of willowy for a goblin, her subtle musculature suggested a rather strictly-kept exercise regimen, keeping her delightfully quick on her feet, and decidedly rather limber; two physical feats she was eager to show off whenever necessary.

Blessed and born of a fine pedigree, her fortunate features and outward beauty did little to stem the ego and ugly beneath -- even if she *was* right... right? As sharp-featured as one would expect a goblin to be with a neat -- if somewhat snooty, sizable -- nose, piercing red-violet eyes, and a subtle, constant, felid smirk, Jezebel had 'that' look about her: mischievous; and while hardly imposing, her gaze was usually highly unsettling; weighing and appraising, those curled lips and oft toothy grin did little to dispel it. Her hair was kept actually quite short, usually worn up and spiky by virtue of finesse and a few fancy gels, styled this way or that, favouring positions that left it out of her face - usually a sharp-looking mohawk.

Favouring a palette born of the shadows, she was a little more liberal with the application of makeup than the haughty and holier-than-thou taller folk, with eyes darkly and elaborately lined, then accented with a matching smokiness, while her lips were oft painted a dark berry; a sort of purple-leaning-black, contrasting sharply with the youthful, lively gold-emerald skin. Her nails, whenever visible, were usually kept filed to small points and painted to match her lips, or occasionally dotted and streaked with gold. Likewise, Jezebel was a little more liberal with piercings: of note a series of golden hoops on her ears: three on each, arranged in neat rows. Gold appeared again as thin rings, in closely-set pairs at her lower lip, snakebite style. And though her apparel obviously varied, she had a fondness for rather form-fitting leathers of black, greys and purples -- to blend into the night, of course. For their snugness, her suits were decidedly full and modest compared to many a eveningcreep, and boasted more than a few slots and pouches for various tools and equipment.

Oh and boots. Lovely, extravagant, clearly expensive boots with a favouritism towards heels for those precious few inches.




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