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Age: a week or so old (magically made)
Race: Baby Saguaro (round cactus)
Class/Job: familiar
Height: 3'1"
Weight: 31 lb.
Appearance: Peyo is short and slightly round, giving it a bullet shape. It has no neck nor legs, waddling on four brown pod-like feet. Its body and arms are a light green color.
It's arms are long for its, size bulging at the end with three bulbous, not-very-dexterous fingers. Peyo can pick things up, but it's clumsy at it. It is quite built for hugging.
On its front sit a pair of large breasts, expandable storage sacs to allow the cactus to store water during times of plentiful rainfall. Peyo can be milked for this aloe-tasting water.
Its face is very childlike, having chubby cheeks and a bright smile. Its human-like mouth connects to no particular organs or teeth, but it still has a tongue. It prefers drinking water and juice.
It has two divets for eyes but does not have any sight, sensing motion instead.
On its head is a small red flower, which seems to be in constant bloom unless it's scared or worried. ( A cactus flower of Soehrensia bruchii)

Peyo's spines are extremely soft and feathery, and they do not hamper hugging in any way. If Peyo is frightened, the spines can become stiff and pointy again.

Personality: Curious and friendly, Peyo loves to get into trouble or meet new people. It likes to feel warmth, be it from love ot the sun. Its attitude is demure and playful, and enjoys being considered a "she".
Since it can't speak, it tends to express itself with dances and emotes, hugging and other physical means. Music excites her, as well as being touched.

Loud noises and being rough-handled scare Peyo.
Turn-ons: Affection, music, and water
Turns-offs: Being yelled at or rough handled, loud noises, boredom, and loneliness.

Peyo is the property of Armadox and his familiar. It is played with and follows Salaman, Kisa Rose, and Orcanis.

Creation and Transformation:

Orcanis hmms...deciding to send out large carnivorous flower. Roughly the size of a Volkswagon bug, completely mobile as it walks along on its roots, meaty tendrils with nectar dripping out the tips (6) spout out from the stem, and a set of jaws nestled beween the 6 large, red petals
Armadox hisses as the acid spray comes close to him, using his sleeve as a sheild. He rolls acrossed the floor, and rips the leather at the sholder pulling the sleeve off before it can harm his flesh," That's no good.."
Orcanis notes that the flower is slow moving, but the tendrils have considerable reach, ~20-30'. He sticks with that for now.

Armadox notices the flower, and curses running from it rather then worrying about Slaman at the moment.
Salaman reaches into his pouch. He throws a hunk of raw meat at the flower, hoping to distract it. The meat glistens, being soaked with some potion or other...
Armadox: (only attacks have to be give and take, you can run around like a chicken with it's head cut off and tentacle flower rape would definately be a bad idea right now. Maybe later.. give it my number..)
Orcanis watches as the flower clutches the meat and devours it.
Kisa_Rose watches them below, face impassive for now. Note: Arena is 150 yards in length and 100 in width, there are dips and curves, some old items laying about, and some chunks of stone that have fallen in from the old walls...
Armadox stops, and fiddles in his jacket pulling out a bottle of rum, and mixing other things into it quickly. He stops holding the alchohol up, and swigs it carefully.
Salaman giggles as the potion that coated the meat turns the flower into a small cactus - with boobs.
Armadox tosses the empty bottle at Salaman as hard as he can.
Orcanis stares at it in disbelief, as he watches as the cactus scuttles along with its spiky breasts....
- - - -
Orcanis would be biting his fingernails if he had any.>
Armadox swings the claw like nails upward with no remorse for his hand to cut the cacti gal in half while he dives teeth down at her inner thigh.
Kisa_Rose stands there passively, only her tail tip twitching back and forth showing inner agitation, watching
Salaman whimpers as the possum bites down on her - but she seems to be whimpering for the bisected cactus-girl
Orcanis watches and frowns as the cactus goes limp, watery blood-like stuff splashing about, slightly acidic.
Salaman: ...why?
Salaman: {single tear}
Armadox wraps teeth around the femeral artery, and stops speaking around the teeth, his hand a bloody mess as spines where pushed throught it.
Salaman focuses through the pain and looks up at Kisa - "If I give up... can you... save the cactus?"
Kisa_Rose: I can save the cactus if Orcanis removes it from the field
Orcanis nods activating a function from the roster list, recalling the golem and the cactus girl to the holds beneath the arena for safe keeping.
Salaman whimpers at Orcanis as her feet scramble and try to claw at the possum, "Th-thank you"
Orcanis smiles softly, quite fond of the boobie-cactus, too.
Armadox feels a claw rake acrossed his sholder and cheek, blood oozing from the wound, as he clenches his teeth tight, and pulls his head back as quickly as possible.
Armadox: (aye aye, I plan to claim the boobie cactus as my prize!)
- - - -
Armadox falls over, and shudders painfully, as he opens the last pocket left on his jacket and looking at the bottle of sugar water.
Salaman returns to his salamander form, suddenly feeling much better
Armadox: "sugar water.. all i had left.."
Orcanis leaps onto the field, running over to Dox Kisa, I'll heal Dox, you worry about Sal. he says, reaching the 'possum and retrieving the tail from Kisa
Armadox: "am I dead?"
Kisa_Rose has already done the only one allowed to PP in this place because she's the Ref.
Salaman looks at the last potion left on his own belt. "Heh... maybe it's a good thing I didn't use it..."
Kisa_Rose: "'re quite alive"
Orcanis: "Of course not, here." He hands Dox the cactus, needles replaced by tickly, tiny feathers, and much more plush now.
Kisa_Rose: "Armadox wins on account of damage accumilation on Salaman..."
Salaman: "Yeah, I was in no condition to fight..."
Orcanis: "You put up one helluva fight, both of you. :3 Wow, that's worthy to be in a graphic novel."
Armadox laughs and spills blood and something meaty onto the sand collapsing.
Armadox: (no rematch.. NO REMATCH..)

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Page last autogenerated at Thu, Feb 07 / 2008 (03:52 AM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)