Padunk's name derives from a silly conversation with her IRL furry friends, her player wished to have panda characteristics due to her obsession of them. Since she wanted a longer tail, her friends threw around the idea of a lushious skunk tail. Thus a giggling troupe formed the name of Padunk out of Padunkadunk. Also a silly pun for the player's roundish bottom.
early versioin of Padunk, The Panda Skunk
Only a few months later, the skunk portion as replaced with wolf to match a nameless character from a forgotten series of scripts intended to be used in a comic.
Height - 5'
Weight - ...
Eyes - Maroon
Hair - Black and Red
Markings - Black arm that join the upper chest, leaving the breasts white and combs lower on the back. Her legs are black as well. Her tail is mainly white with a thick teardrop mark with two white solid dots. This dotted marking is also on the bridge of her nose only in black against her white fur, also black fur over her eyes and her ears as well.
tail markings:
early comic, dipicting nameless a panda
The nameless panda/wolf character comes from storyline that envisions a world populated by anthropromorphic beings, with limited history of their creation. Only after a group of hired mercs prob into an ancient site do they shed some like on the shady past of this world. A vast network wires greets them and activates after some tampering the unreadable controls. Leading them to a chamber holding the still unborn character soon to be known as Padunk. Encased in a frozen moment, fully grown, she is released but with such stress on the ancient buildings and weak powers ource the effort to wake her causes a chain reaction demolishing a section of the building. - Later in the story, after a arch of dangerous smaller arch situations, with the same group of mercs, she returns to the ancient buildings, finding living bretheren awakened by their main enemy of the story, the same who hired the mercs in the begining. Only from the ancient computers does she learn how unstable her counterparts are and later mercifully euthanizes her only known relitaves to relieve them from horrid radical mutations that they would have to endure if they lived any longer. Only the last and largest of her kind ensures her survival by sacrificing itself in horrid explosion, finally killing the enemy of the story.
(Coming soon: A Current picture of Padunk)