Name, Oscar Mako
Age, 31
Gender, Male
Orientation, Bisexual (No pref.)
Height, 6'1"
Weight, 210ish
Oscar is a doberman (obviously) who spends his time either lifting weights, jogging, playing soccer, or eating chocolate ice cream (guilt pleasure). He likes pushy women, girly men, and the occasional dicking, completely secure in his sexuality and always willing to show it. Usually he can be seen wearing a maroon button up dress shirt, khaki cargo pants, and steel-toed boots custom fitted to his digitigrade paws, though sometimes he can be wearing something different. He is always clothed, however.
Personality wise, he's fairly laid back, confident, and almost always willing to make new friends (and flirt with them). He has a decent sense of humor, though most of it can be pretty cheesy. He loves to cuddle, loves to fuck, and doesn't mind an occasional date or two. He's not a sex hungry perv, after all.
(Sex details)
Cock length, Eight inches, give or take a centimeter
Width, Two inches
Dog dick, knot and sheath and all
Big balls, larger than most, but not so big that it looks like something is wrong.