Jumu Orcanis
Stat Block:
Height: 5 metres (16' 4.8")
Weight: 5 metric tonnes (~11,000 lbs)
Age: 17 (That's fully mature for an orca, mind you)
Born and raised in the ocean, Jumu and his brothers, Nax & Nio (twins) were raised by Tauno the Vast, whom is Jumu's sire (Nax and Nio's sire, Gattan, left at childbirth) and their matriarch and mother, Leilin. Jumu was the first to leave the pod to find his place in the world.
Trained in an oceanic martial art that revolves around fluid and strong movements, specifically the Blue Whale style, involves a way to walk without causing a tremor with each step; Jumu is by no means a master, having only a rudimentary grasp of the art. He does enjoy dancing, though, and has a certain degree of flexibility that other orcas of his pod could not attain, thus giving him the nickname "Kelp" (though also due to the strange coloring of his braid).
An orca's skin is both sensitive and durable, and outside the water it's slick with a specialized oil to keep the blubber moist (at least Jumu's is). Jumu can be a real sucker for soft or smooth textures, and more often than not tends to lick things that appeal to his textile sense (this has lead to a few interesting times on land...). Sexually, Jumu is rather docile until he gets going, at which point it's best to ride the wave to shore (as it were); his member, being more anthropormophic than zoamorphic, is humanoid and uncut, stark white all along the length and orbs, but has a dark blue head (the same color as his anus, though this sensitive flesh turns purple with heightened arousal).
Perception is reality, plain and simple. I'm neither no fancy wizard nor alchemist, neither god nor demon, I don't have magic and I don't have divine favor. However, I know a thing or two (and li'l else) 'bout philosophy, and if you can't grasp how big I am, I'll likely look a li'l smaller. Ain't nothing weird 'bout it, jus' how it is. Hell, my bits might look a bit diff'rent so they're more like a feral orca's, though I sincerely doubt that.
Drawn by Mama Bliss. :3 (Exaggerated dork! Because I changed, sorry Mama)