His appearance, while gentle and easy on the eyes, is difficult to take in all at once. It seems impossible to discern his species, if there are even any commonly known ones in his heritage to be found. His feminine features having a bit of androgyny to them, though a good eye can pick up that he has a bit of masculine bone structure to his face. The expression on his face is often warm and he has eyes that dance and smile in the light, their color a clear and sap-green hazel that compliments his reddish-brown hair. The shape of his face shares similarities with dragons and goats, though doesn't quite resemble either in their likeness entirely. His gazelle-like ears suffer from some odd growth issue giving them the appearance of having a second pair of smaller ears growing from inside the first, although this doesn't seem to affect his hearing or ability to move them. The crown of his head adorned with a pair of very elegant and smooth horns of deep and rich brown tones that sweep back in a graceful curve, resembling the horns of an ibex or water buffalo is some regards.
He stands roughly seven feet tall, a half-foot of that height directly due to his digitigraded feet. His body is shapely and soft looking, having full hips, a round rump, and a bit of a belly. The natural placement of fat and muscle density in his body much more closely resembling that of a woman's. His four small, soft breasts making clear the fact that his body produces estrogen in excess. The sensuous curve of his toned tail accenting the small of his back, his hips, and thighs. His skin tone is warm and light, something reminiscent of a fair skinned Irish woman of human decent, and it enhances the gentleness of his form and grace. His proportions having the natural tendency of carrying the eyes smoothly over his silhouette.
One of his more peculiar features is the fact that he has three arms, two on the left and one on the right. The third arm directly below his left arm appears to function normally if a bit developmentally stunted. The arm looking a bit weaker and only having three fingers and thumb rather than four, though this seems to be the normal number for this hand as there is no indication of the fourth finger being ever there to begin with.
His odd arm drawing the attention to his hands and feet in general which seem to all have a "problem" of some kind. The ring and middle extremity of each fused together but only to the point of them functioning in unison, the nails of each still separate on them. The pinkie of his right hand missing after the first knuckle.
He often wears a hunter green, laced back, fitted linen dress on his body and a fragrant, pastel pink flower in his hair. The dress has a wide and low cut rectangular neckline that exposes part of his shoulders and the sleeves have a tapered bell shape, the trim done in a satin thread of the same color in embroidered Celtic knot- work. The color seems to compliment his features well and the tailor of the dress is to be complimented as the sleeve required for his extra arm does not seem even the slightest out of place.
WIP pic of him: