
A small lithe form ,about 5'2", walks thru the door way. Soft greyfur accentuated by black tiger's stripes. Hir tail is long and dexterous, covered in thick fluffy fur and always in motion. As your eyes fallow to the base of hir tail you find hir slender well formed hips and between them both female curves and the delicate sheath of a male. Tracing up hir hips lead into a narrow well muscled waist, giving hir a hind of an hour-glass figure. Hir bussom is small even for a fur of hir size, hir AA breast are firm and perky all the same, not needing support of garments, which shi seldom wears any of at all. Hir face is the most striking and exotic feature about hir though, a perfect hybred of wolf and tiger with peircing golden eyes.

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Page last autogenerated at Sat, Jan 06 / 2007 (06:31 AM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)