

Species: Thwomp(human based)

Sex: female

Job; squisher, lazy gal, sunspot for naps

-Basic description-
Height: 6'1

Scent: Fresh earth& fresh water

Mentality: lazy until angered then rather murderous. Curious but dumb as a brick.

Hair: pulled halfway down back in a ponytail that puffs out. curl-spikes of hair( like a cow went ham with its tongue)

Skin: Mocha coloured, soft, incredibly hard to damage. Nearly hidden freckles on cheeks, shoulders, hips, back, and chest.

Eyes: black with red

Basic description: A tall, strong, and wide hipped(yet busty) mocha skinned human with red eyes, resting lazy-bitchface until angered

Looks like any other human, with minor changes unless openly using spikes or floating.

( very loose idea https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DpMK50MX4AAkK0w.jpg )

Bodyframe-- Thick hourglass ( https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c8/d0/81/c8d0818d78cf74ca788d0b25be885642.jpg )

Rump & hips/thighs: Wide and wobbly without being nasty.

Breasts: E cup, large and very much jiggly. Small freckles barely hidden along cleavage and top of chest. ( https://i.imgur.com/IEUUEqH.png )

Additions: Can grow thick spikes from anywhere on body, can control weight/gravity of self, body is near unbreakable.

Clothing: longsleeve shirt, stone grey jeans(stops at knee), thigh high socks(grey-black), hairpin shaped like a chain chomp holding back ponytail, heavy punk boots

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Page last autogenerated at Sun, Feb 28 / 2021 (12:08 PM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)