[This is a work in progress. The character was created for a focused, story-driven RP with a single player. As such, she won't be banging anyone in the main room, if she even shows up there. I'm sure you're all TERRIBLY heartbroken, but rest assured, you'll survive. -Dolly]
"Ka Usstan xun ussta emp'poss ditronw, nau uss orn rin'ov zhaun."
Name: Nathrae Dalael
House: Argith (First House of Eryndlyn)
Title: Ambassador
Specialty: Provocateur
City of Origin: Eryndlyn
Race: Drow elf
Devotion: Lolth
Languages Spoken: Common (English), Drow, DSL (Drow Sign Language), Sylvan (Standard Elvish), Dwarven, Undercommon, Infernal, and Abyssal
-Physical Details-
Age: 168 Cycles (looks to be about 27 years old)
Sex:/Gender Cisgender Female (She/Her pronouns)
Height: 5'10"
Build: Sleek and athletic, product of consistent physical conditioning
Eyes: Crimson
Hair: Naturally red, mid-back, loose waves/curls
Distinguishing Marks: Ears pierced, white spider tattooed on her right shoulder blade, back of her left hand marked with a spider shaped brand
-Swordplay (rapier/main gauche, shortsword, saber, longsword)
-Archery (shortbow, light crossbow)
-Diplomatic Tactician
-Persuasive Politician
-Naturally Manipulative
-Knowledge of Poisons/Toxins
-Misanthropic (Matriarchal - males are seen as inherently inferior)
-Racial Bias (In the mind of a Drow, all other races should submit)
-Temperamental (Only in relation to personal slights/insults)
-Vicious streak (They're considered both civil and savage, decidedly unpredictable)
-Hedonist (Notorious for being swayed by pleasure of most forms)
-Questionable/Shifting Loyalties (But who in their right mind trusts a Drow anyway?)