
Full Name: Nathan Koen Mesher.

Nicknames: Nat, Nath, Ko.
Age: 25
(Real age: 19)
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 165 lbs
Eyes: Celestial Blue.
Hair: Light brown.
Fur: Mostly light brown, mixing to various hues of black around the paws, ear tips, tail tip, and muzzle.
Sexual Orientation: Straight.
Species: Wolf.

Occupation: Is currently a Psychologist, taking interest in others mental being, and is awarded when others are clear of their problems, and show full mental health. He loves making others happy, and enjoys it when furs talk to him about their problems.

Musical Interests: He plays the guitar, and piano, but hasn't gotten as far as writing any songs or anything like that.

Clothing: Usually wears simple clothing, varying from t-shirts, to big hooded sweaters. Sweatpants are a must, being the casual and laid-back guy he is, but he strays into wearing jeans a lot of the time. He enjoys being formal, wearing ties and suits only on special occasions. He keeps himself tidy and clean, almost never found messy or untidy-like. He keeps himself in top physical shape, and that is because he is often hiking, biking, camping, or at the gym with friends.

Habits: He writes, hikes, and of course, dates for fun.

Place of birth: New Jersey, U.S.A

Background Nationality: He was born in the U.S, though lived in Australia for a bit before finishing school in London, England. He's got a bit of an accent between Australian and English, but it's not necessarily noticed.

Weapons of choice: He doesn't believe in using weaponry, but if faced with danger will only use violence as a last resort. Claws and fangs mostly, no knives or anything like that o.O

Mate: None.

Likes: Many things, including being alone with his special someone, hiking through open forestry, and ice-creme ^-^.
Dislikes: Stuck-up people, women who come on too quickly, and threesomes.

He's quite the catch, or to some he is, and is considered good-looking. Though not at all agreeing to some fur's evaluations of himself, he likes being considered handsome, since compliments don't really go by him much considering furs are quite timid around him. He isn't sure if it's because they are intimidated by his smugness, his appearance in being quite large, or simply because of something else he isn't considering.

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