
So many things can be said in prayer. So many things promised and screamed in fear or desire. Disease, death, pain, wounds of body and soul, all sorts of things can cause this primal begging for higher forces. Rarely are they deemed worth it, but once one is seed and judged worthy, life tends to go Topsy-tervy.

'Fear Not.'

The first words all TRUE celestials say upon first meeting someone, for good reason..!

Celestials come in all many sizes, shapes, and thoughts with the primals, the archangels, and the Aspects being the highest of the orders. The primals; created to watch over beasts and nature, to keep the cycle going safe.
The archangels; warriors of highest calibers, the armies, the faces you normally see.
The Aspects however are different. They specialize in a 'thing' of reality. Hope, desire, death, destruction, rebirth, emotion, etc. Aspects have true power over any one thing, their very existence tied to that aspect of reality.

Nalyith is a curious angel, one of the aspects but also one of the more... chaotic angelics. Far from 'pure', Nalyith is in charge of the aspect of 'Relief'. Many would instantly assume the best when you are told the angel of Relief is there to help... Only after do they realize Relief can also mean far more then simple 'ending pain'.

Nalyith stands at seven foot two inches of matronly plush flesh; wide hips and thighs, light belly pudge, heavy bust and rump, slight plush to the face. But from there it gets... weird. She also sports four arms, two large angelic wings and two smaller just above the rump of lovely hips, all sets shimmering in the light like auroras, while in the dark seems glimmer in the dark.

She sports golden tan skin, black hair that bleeds to the same aurora shifting white on the edges, four solid gold eyes(two smaller above her normal pair), and a curious mark just above her flat pelvis. A pair of thick based horns jut from the temples forward them up backward along the scalp to form a sort of curious halo, which of course glows with the same holy energy a few inches above her scalp.

If asked she simply states 'Relief comes in all sexes, all shapes, all actions.'

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