
Age: 24
Height: 5'4"
Breast: 44DD
Size: chunky, like my favorite candy bar.
Sex: Yes please. Female [D.u.H.]
Species: Red Wolf

What stands before you, so aptly named, Chunky Munky, is a wolfess of questionable intent. Her eyes sparkle a murky green while her greying pelt sprawls over her plush form, dusted with a rusty sheen, as so red wolves are known for.
She enjoys sex, of any variety, unless it involves pissing wait sometimes pissing, as long as its in her and never on her or out of her. Definately no shitting. She'll pop a cap in an ass over a turd, especially if she done had her hair made all up.
She also enjoys sucking cock. Cock is awesome. So is penis. She likes that too.
Munky also carries D-snakes, while this does not make her a herm it does give her a prehensile tentacle like appendage that is in excess of two feet. The appendage tapers at the tip, has a barely defined head and is four inches in diameter, very squishy

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