
Such a strange creature..

Physical Desc: He is small of stature, four feet even in total height. His species is unknown to be sure.. His face obscurred by that of a thick scarf wrapped aroudn the bottom of his face, the scarf pure white with black stitched symbols. Further making his species unidentafyable was that of a wide brimmed black mage hat, worn with a few stitches upon the brim and slightly sagging pointed tip.. What was really seen of his face was pure black, shimmering yellow eyes with black slitted pupils.. Peeking out of the hat were pointed, black furred ears that had a strange canine/feline mixture to them, the tail behind him loong with a pointed tip as well..

His clothing is that of a deep purple longcoat with large rolled back cuffs, blue silken shirt underneath it. Covering his four fingered paws are fingerless grey gloves.. His trousers were immensely baggy, ebon in colour. Upon his feet are large, clunky black boots. Around his waist under the coat is a thick leather belt laden with various magical trinkets for his own magics..

Mumo's deminor is extremely shy and naive, almost ot he point of him being almost considered childish in that sense, sometimes speaking in a nervous stutter.

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