
name:( Moon-Shade ClawBearer)
race: (Bear/ Dragon)
age: (19 )
appearance:(a dark reddish pelted bear girl with darker hair grown long enough to reach the small of her back. She has shining soft blue eyes. Moderatly heavy set with curves in all the right places. She has a 46 DDD bust, the only tell tale signs of her draconic lineage being the fairly large yet delicate gold washed blue colored wings and almost dainty, silvery horns curving up from just above her temples to curl arond behind and end in a taper just below her ears.She tends to wear Jeans, a tank top with some sort of flannel or raver shirt over that..She wears a hard glass heart shaped pendant necklace that was a gift from Ryuma to wich she has fastened a bead given to her by Armadox. A silver necklace with a large black opal, a gift from her grandmothers dragon horde as well as 6 silver rings one on each ring finger and index finger as well as one on each index toe. She also wears a tongue and a belly peircing.)

Currently she is residing with Ryuma after his generous offer to let her crash with him until she finds her own place.

Personality:(She's kinda silly and playful with a quick wit. She is always the first to tell a joke and loves to laugh. She does tend to flirt alot, but with no real experiance to back it up.She finds true joy in new experiances and great conversations.She is a bit of a dreamer and is always willing to learn what anyone is wiling to teach her.Her latest passion is Belly dancing and how learning to move her body in new and entertaining ways makes her feel sexy.)

abilities:She does have some racially passive abilities from being part Blue dragon. Mainly in the ice/water realm. She can be quite useful.

Turn-ons:Kissing,sensual massage,her breasts being fondled,dirty talk,depending on her mood being dominant or being dominated.

Turn-offs:Degrading or derogatory comments, abusive furs
sexual awareness- (virgin though has had oral with "Rocky" and gave/received once. She has also masterbated her cock a few times.)
preferance: (bi)
favorite toy: (a plushie horse of hers named "Rocky" with a surprise pouch containing a 10 inch cock)
depth or lenght: (She is 10 1/2 inches long and almost 3 inches around. She can take all 10 inches of "Rocky" orally with no problems.She hasn't gotten brave enough to go all the way with her plush or anyone else though.)

Cattell's 16 Factor Test Results
Warmth |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 82%
Intellect |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 86%
Emotional Stability ||||||||||||||||||||| 66%
Aggressiveness ||||||||||||||||||||| 62%
Liveliness ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
Dutifulness |||||||||||||||||| 54%
Social Assertiveness |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 86%
Sensitivity |||||||||||||||||| 58%
Paranoia |||||||||||| 34%
Abstractness |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 86%
Introversion |||||||||||| 38%
Anxiety ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
Openmindedness |||||||||||||||||||||||| 78%
Independence ||||||||||||||| 42%
Perfectionism ||||||||||||||| 42%
Tension |||||||||||| 38%
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