
Extinct? No way!

Well, yes way. Mojo is the result of an experimental breeding program, resulting in a dino that appears to be a raptor, but isn't really, as he lacks the giant dewclaw and shredding teeth. He is part herbivore and so is an omnivore that will eat anything, sometimes gobbling stuff whole. His eyes are intelligent, and an unusual shade of bright pink with a dark sclera.

He is just about as high as a person but is far heavier, especially because of his big legs and huge tail. He has a black body with a hide that is glossy like a boa's, jet black with a lighter color from throat to tail on his underside that changes with his mood. His tail is striped and his face has a white marking that looks like a skull (which is where he got his nickname) with toothlike markings on his chin (making him look more threatening than he is- inside his mouth are ridged gums with just a few pointed, blunt teeth). the top of his head has fluffy, short inky blue feather fuzz with four longer, skinnier green crest feathers. He doesn't have any sharp claws. His feet and the few fingers at his tiny winged arms are fleshy with nubby claws at the tips, and he especially likes to use his feet for things. :3

Mojo has his nose pierced and wears two bangles on his left leg and a wide, girly ribbon and bow on his tail. If he remembers to bring it, he also has a simple communicator, but usually has to get by using movements and chirps to get his meaning across.

He likes males and herms and is generally subby. Sometimes he even lets himself get tied up! As a reptile, he has a slit, but it's normally really hard to see unless he's aroused. He's also totally into bellyrubs.

He really hates being treated like just a dumb beast and gets frustrated with communication difficulties. After all, he is just as smart as the average fur, if not moreso.


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Page last autogenerated at Sat, Jan 28 / 2012 (01:30 PM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)