Name: Mirth Desmins
Race: Thrown out of the triathlon for filling all the tires with petroleum jelly
Mental state: Questionable
Choosing to take a shortcut was perhaps your first mistake. The second was obviously taking it through the poorly lit back alleys. By now you have no idea where you are going, much less where you are, and simply want to find your way back to the city proper. Anywhere but here would do. Above you, something rattles on a fire escape. Probably a stray cat.... Just as you're about to dismiss it, though, an oddly-pitched snicker convinces you otherwise. You walk faster, unnerved by the sound; the noises of something jumping between the fire escapes, bouncing carelessly from ledge to ledge, follow you, matching your accelerating pace. Your pulse pounds in your ears as your panic rises, and your fight or flight instinct about to push you into a full-out run, when an arm drops from above, landing in front of you with a meaty 'slap!' and pulling a surprised yelp from your lips.
"Would you get that for me?" somebody laughs.
A bizarre creature lands in front of you, picking up his disembodied arm and standing in a single smooth motion. As you watch with morbid fascination, he fastens it on with a swift, practiced motion and a faint 'ziiiip': a second glance reveals a zipper at the join of his arm and shoulder. Everything about him seems to be faintly disturbing: his arms are too long, leaving his hands hanging easily by his knees, there are zippers at the top of each limb and several others in random places over his body, seemingly embedded into the flesh itself, his eyes are little more than whites and pupils, and his smile... that toothy, manic grin stretched impossibly far across his face, seemingly fixed there, on display no matter what emotions he felt.
"Looks like somebodyyyy iiiiis lost!" he jeers in that odd, high-pitched masculine voice, leaning far too close for comfort, "Lucky lucky you! I just so happen to be a fantastic guide! Off we go!" As he grabs your hand and begins to drag you away, it occurs to you that he never asked where you wanted to go...
Mirth is a bizarre, patchwork creature whose features can change on any given appearance. Originally thought to be some type of goblin, or perhaps a hybrid of man, dolphin, and eel, he has cycled through so many changes that it is impossible to tell what he truly is - not even he himself knows. Further complicating matters are the Threads.
As a modular creature, it is not uncommon for Mirth to take discombobulate and reassemble himself. However, when his parts are severed unwillingly, the Threads flair to life. Dark and serpentine, they slither from his body, metallic needle heads flashing on cords and ribbons and strings, hooking into orphaned flesh and weaving it back into the whole. Though the Threads largely act independently, Mirth has been known to coax them into weaponry when his warped mind finally recognizes a threat to his life.
[Mirth is an alt played by Caz]