
Masque LeJeanne
Height: Precisely five feet
Hair color: A striking, fiery red
Eye color: Glittering obsidian

An androgynous figure weaves gracefully through the crowd, moving in time to a silent waltz. You catch a glimpse of coattails and lace ruffs before it vanishes, only to captivate your eye again with a flash of brilliant red as the light catches its hair. The vivid fire of its hair, secured in a long pony tail by a velvet ribbon, makes a sharp contrast to the alabaster mask, which smirks knowingly beneath midnight eyes. Someone passes between you, momentarily blocking the figure from view. When you can see again, the mask has inexplicably changed expression; a chill runs down your back as you realize the smile has become predatory. The creature closes the gap between you with surprising speed, becoming taller as it approaches, until its eyes are level with yours. Surely your eyes are playing tricks on you. She--he?--was always that tall... right?

The stranger clasps your hand in a silken glove, pressing it to the lips of the mask - it's oddly warm. "Hello," the stranger chimes with the barest trace of an accent, "I am LeJeanne. Would you join me for a meal?"

Masque favors a style reminiscent of the Victorian era, simplified and adapted to better suit more modern times. Beneath the purple tailcoat lies a pristine, high-collared white shirt with sleeves that gently billow down the forearm, only to cinch about the wrists with tight cuffs adorned by silver cuff links. A button-down vest compliments the shirt, hugging LeJeanne's torso snugly, and either a lace or velvet cravat accents the outfit. While the style and color of LeJeanne's vest and cravat vary, the royal purple tailcoat and pair of fine silk gloves remain a perpetual constant.

From the waist down, Masque seems to have taken a liking to modern fashion, replacing the leggings of old with dress slacks and a belt, or a dark pair of skinny jeans. Covering the feet are a pair of black, point-toed dress shoes polished to a dark shine.

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