
Shinji-hime:The White Fox Princess of Kurotsuki
Think of Shinji as the mold onto which every one of her forms is fleshed out. She has her flaws, such as being _too_ maternal and _too_ protective. She is the crowned princess of Kurotsuki, but the title is most just a figurehead position with little power behind it. She's bi-curious, and needs encouragement to get into anything serious, but when she does, she loves with all her heart. And that's a lot of heart!

(Picture of Lucretia by Katie~<3)

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All credit goes to the incredible Rami.

Lucretia Lilith Raines [nee Kurotsuki]
One can say that this is the libido that encompasses Shinji. Instead of being a vixen, she is a human of creamy tan complexion with chestnut hair, hazel eyes with her cheetah ears positioned on the top of her head. Her torso is normal, with 32B breasts and long, slender arms and fingers. The only thing that's outstanding about her torso is the fact that on her scapulae (shoulder blades) she has nubs on, which seem to keep an invisible connection with wispy, raven black wings that are intangible, yet is able to displace weight. Her figure is mostly oriented about her lower body (read: long legs). Her thighs and calves thick and firm, her butt firm yet bubbly from her morning 3-mile jogs. Just above her butt is a long, black, whip-like tail that ends in a heart-shaped taper. She usually wears a grey zipper jacket, underneath that being a dark blue t-shirt and she usually wears a mid-thigh length skirt, which hides her two sexes. Her personality can range to a number of things, but she is first and foremost a friend.

Font: #080061

Mates: Les - Married 2017/10/25

A small sample of Lucri
Sexual likes: Bondage, temperature play, avians, oviposition, pegging, pregnancy, infation, stuffing, lapines.
Sexual dislikes: guro, gagging, asphyxiation, diapers, hypertrophy

For more on Luci's likes and dislikes, go to Lucretia's Kinks

Nonsexual likes:books, art, nice people, balls, glasses, rock music
Nonsexual dislikes: Arson, fighting, lying

Drawn by MamaB and colored by moi

Lucretia in hir full-demon form

Undine Font: #2c3342
Suited for aquatic life, Undine is the element of water. Her skin is radiant, her tan ever-present, while her hair shimmers with deep blue base color and seafoam highlights. Her lower half is always with shark features, a light grey coloring on the dorsal side with a white tone underneath. At will, Undine can go between having a tail to propel herself with power, or two legs to stand up in shallow water or outside of water entirely.

Sylph Font: #cc6633
Being the element of wind, Sylph is the most sprite-like of the four elements, darting, playing silly pranks and generally just enjoying spending time with people. Her skin is a pale green, while her hair is a sunny golden blonde She is less feminine with her shape, if only because it messes with her aerodynamics. She's shorter than her 'sisters', with small oranges for a chest and some wide hips, if you fancy those details.

Efrite Font: #7A0000
As a phoenix, Efrite emanates a soft heat at all times, her plumage various shades of orange, yellow and red. She loves cuddling as much as she loves flying. As she becomes emotionally stressed, she does heat up further than usual, unintentionally singeing minor material.

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