
Loreleigh Kalinsky was born a mutt. But his father died early on, leaving him in the care of his mother and three stepsisters. His mother coddled him and gave him everything he wanted, but she was disappointed that she was given a son and not a daughter. (It was something his mother and father never agreed on; dad wanted the boy, mom wanted a girl.) Due to this, Loreleigh's mother took away his original name (which he has long since forgotten) and gave him the name he knows today 'Loreleigh'. Despite protests from some of his father's relatives, Lore's mother was more or less stubborn on the entire thing. After slowly pulling away from the male side of the family, Loreleigh was treated like a princess by everyone (including female relatives!)...

As he grew older, all he knew was femalefemalefemale. He grew into dresses and pretty things, soon adopting a method of hiding his masculinity. Given a recipe to create fake breasts, he began wearing them and strategically tucking his penis and such back so that there was no doubt that people would take him as a female. As he continued to age, however, things just weren't the same. He started wearing his usual, girly attire .. but stopped wearing his fake breasts and eventually just went around as a boi dressed in rather expensive female clothing. At 16, he departed from home to go study aboard, away from his family. Though they wanted him to remain, he had no intentions of staying. Now, at 18, he's come to stumble across the Tubverse--only to be drawn into the prospect of having some relationships outside familial types.


NAME: Loreleigh Anne Kalinsky
(The 'Anne' middle name was given to him by one of his sisters after they had enacted a fairly embarressing tea scene, during his younger years.)

AGE: 18
(Physically, however, he looks far younger. It was all those damnable beauty treatments that his mother scheduled for him and forced him to attend.)

HEIGHT: 5' 5"
(He's not very impressive, heightwise. But at least he fits the usual normal for females, no?)

WEIGHT: He never tells. Why? Because it's not polite to ask, of course!

BUILD: Petite
(Dieting and exercise routines kept him fairly lean and beauty, along with many treatments outside of the norm.)

EYE COLOR: Vibrant, scintillating red
(One of the only things, aside from the horns, that he got from his father.)

HAIR COLOR: Incredibly well-cared for black with streaks of alluring red.
(Again, the red was given to him by his father.)

OTHER: He has vestigial wings that are a dark gray in color, they are not connected to his shoulders--but hover there, as if a part of him and yet not. No one is quite sure how he obtained these.

CHOICE OF CLOTHING: He wears anything from Gothic Lolita, Sugar Lolita, and Trendy Gal... to Victorian ensembles, elegant gowns and various female clothing. Occasionally, if requested, wears more revealing things--like schoolgirl outfits, short pleaded skirts, stockings, Mary Jane's, etc. He always is wearing a belled collar that has 'LO' on one side of the bell and 'RE' on the other in simple stitched print.


Mate: None
Master/Mistress: None
Owner of: None

SEXUALITY: Pansexual
(This was swiftly adopted after actual lessons in sexuality and the merit of having an open mind; courtesy of his mother.)

D/S: He is normally submissive, but sometimes a meanstreak occurs--resulting in bouts of a dominant nature.
(Mother believes his father left some of his temper in her boy!)

TURN-ONS: Anal play of all sorts, handjobs, blowjobs, other bois, dominant men, dominant females, submissive females, sexual touching, non-sexual touching, hair-pulling, rough sex, bondage (heavy and light), snowballing, cum marking, scent marking, some whipping and abuse, use of various toys and/or fuck machines, forced play, orgasm control.

TURN-OFFS: Scat, watersports, bloodplay, needleplay, medical experimentation, sexual torture, non-sexual torture, bathroom control, breath control, rudeness, being ignored, being yelled at unless it's in the bedroom for a specific "scene", being threatened with bodily harm.

This art belongs to me; it cannot be distributed without my express permission.
(c) 2009

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Page last autogenerated at Thu, Jan 01 / 2009 (10:07 PM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)