Lorelei regards most everything and everyone with a cool contentment. She often keeps to herself deep inside the murky tub waters, rarely venturing outside their comforting depths to mingle socially. Finding nudity to be just another part of nature, she is never seen clothed. Her long red hair is generally draped over her lush and supple breasts.
She can be quite social, but more often then not she just plays the roll of listener, chiming in when a bit of conversation catches her fancy. Her hair is lavishly decorated with beads and other shiny baubles, and it would be easy to guess that if you'd like to make quick friends with her, offering her something similar to tie within it is a good place to start.
Gifted trinkets and baubles tied within her hair:
A shiny silver coin with a hole in its middle, given to her by Audrey.
Another picture of her here: Lorelei and Sigma