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Name: Lir ("Leer")
Age: Appears to be in his early 20s
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs
Build: Finely sculpted swimmer.
Hair: Silver with a healthy shine, kept above the shoulder, but long enough to curl about his ears and brow in loose ringlets.
Eyes: Aquamarine with tendrils of steel blue.
Attire: Boots, black trousers, and an untucked white dress shirt. He often keeps a tattered old raincoat close by, dark grey in colour with flecks of black soot stains. It's usually hidden away.
General appearance: Youthful and masculine with a strong jaw and an impish smile. Fair, unblemished skin. He has little bodyhair to speak of, but that which is present is a slightly darker shade than the moonlight tresses atop his head.
Other: He's a master swimmer and a beautiful singer to boot. Highly social, albeit quiet at times.
Species: Selkie (...but that's a secret.)
Speak: Distinct West Irish accent.

[For those who don't know, selkies are mythical creatures that live in the ocean as seals but can assume human form on land. They remove their seal skins to appear human; Lir disguises his as the worthless old coat mentioned above. The skins are powerful, containing their magic, so anyone who possesses a selkie's skin holds power over him or her. Please try to remember that this is a character. He's careful to keep his true self a secret given what it could mean for him to be exposed. If you want to 'figure him out', talk to me OOC first, please and thanks.]

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Page last autogenerated at Thu, Nov 05 / 2015 (11:15 PM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)