
Pronounced Not-Odd Or Not-todd, but done so smoothly without separating the syllables.

She looks to be in her early-twenties at most.

Don't be afraid to ask her for a shave or a haircut! What's the worst that could happen?

Some information to prelude a complete collection of expositionary paragraphs:
Species: Rabbit (Bunny)
Height: 150~160 cm
Gender: Female

Her ears are rather disproportionately large, but find their place in amidst an equally long head of silken hair that the girl was blessed with. Her coat is a wintry silver, and her hair is a shade darker, more resemblant of the precious metal than anything. She meticulously cares for her hair, and favors her hands over tools for grooming.

The bunny may usually be seen wearing clothing modeled after the victorian era, selecting the more fashionable as well as colorful pieces. The modern era is not lost upon her though, as the styles she wears have incorporated the qualities of both times into the finished product. Though the length of the dresses she wears hide them from view, the bunny favors stockings of various designs and colors as well as lengths. She usually wears leather boots with her dresses, though the slightly elevated heels do little to increase her height. The boots are of a polished leather, their laces going up to her calves, with ornate designs sewn into the material all along the way.

Linda is the proud owner of a small salon which she has affectionately named "Sweeney's"

The door is a solid, sturdy thing with a simple brass pull-handle and a set of hinges on the outside, indicating that the door would swing outward. On the inside, the door has a large, iron slide-bolt lock for closing time. The door and doorway are only 160cm tall, forcing taller patrons to stoop when entering, though the ceiling is a spacious two-and-a-half meters from the floor. The interior of the salon has a cozy feel to it, the floor sporting clean, cream-colored square marble tiles, each slab measuring 10cm in width and length. The tiled-decoration continues up the walls but stops after a meter, transitioning to a surface of sea-blue wallpaper that decorates the ceiling as well. Two white wooden-shutter windows accompany the entrance on either side, each allowing fresh air, light, and sounds from the outside in when open. These windows are a half-meter tall as well as wide, but are only a meter from the floor, making them slightly inconvenient for anyone moderately tall to use.

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Page last autogenerated at Mon, Jan 16 / 2012 (07:28 PM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)