
You walk into the tub. A dark garbed, red haired woman with wings and golden eyes sits in the corner enjoying polite conversation and drinking tea... And then she eats the cup. Her grin is sharp, with rows of sharp teeth, her wings black as night. When startled or threatened these edge themselves with silver, becoming razor sharp.

Often Lilly finds humor in pranks, throwing voids under people, and sometimes above, causing them to eternally fall. This doesn't last long as she does remove one or the other eventually. Will also occasionally use void maw and eat people. Anyone eaten comes back through a naturally occurring void elsewhere. Nobody knows where these lead or why. The enormous amounts of random objects she eats don't come back.

Tries to be good. Kind in her words and actions, she tries to see the good in people and help where she can, sometimes to her own detriment.


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Page last autogenerated at Thu, Jan 17 / 2019 (09:05 PM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)