
((Short version, will work on it more later.))

Lil'Pie is short for Little Pie.

Little Pie stands 4 feet and has long white hair. She has large eyes both of different colors, one red the other gold. She may appear as a little girl but in age she's over a hundred, though its hard to tell from her childlike and manic nature. Little Pie dose not like her womanly features for still not being able to control her Succubus power in that form.

Little Pie gave her self this name so no one would know her real name. Real names are scared to her kind. She also appears as a little girl dressed in footie pajamas. Most of her footie pajamas are made from animals that had upset her in some manner, making her ware in some deranged way.... a real fur suit. she carries a cleaver that she uses to threaten others. She never shows her true form to anyone unless shes drunk or trusts them enough to.

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Page last autogenerated at Sun, Apr 27 / 2008 (01:47 PM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)