
Her name is Layla, she's a Gengar with a rather mischievous mind! Having once had a cruel master, his final passing was all that set her free from years of abusive treatments, all manners of vile acts, and experiments on her by other of her masters captured creatures; now she wanders the world, expressing her pent up confusion, anger and desires on anyone she sees fit! Her view of the world is a twisted one, she wants to find friends in others, but knows not how to go about it.

Layla was developed to be a stalking creature, to follow and find other desirable Pokemon, or even trainers to steal from or sway to his side, and all for her master, by any means needed. Her training involved her putting her 'victims' to sleep and then attacking their dreams with vicious nightmares of pain, or unimaginable paths to pleasures. Layla knows many methods to get whatever she wants now, even without a master to serve; however, the extensive training and usage of her powerful ability over sleep and nightmares didn't come without side-effects.

Layla once found herself needing of other people's dreams, she hungered for their pains and pleasures so greatly she would stalk even small, weak Pokemon and gorge herself on their nightmares and dreams alike, often to the point she wouldn't be able to move and return to her master in time, who would punish her for such gluttony. To this day, she still fights her urges to feast on pleasing dreams to push away her own vivid nightmares. For Layla, seeing others happy because of something she does gives her a feeling she can't get enough of, and she can become rather enthralled with a person she can please or make happy continually and might become attached to them because even though her master was vile, she has a void in her life now without a constant person to go to.

Her form lets her pass through walls, people, and other objects. She's only 4.8' making her rather small, and her shape is soft and a little full, with a protruding bum, and ample violet breasts. Her favorite, and darkest feature are her crimson eyes, used with her abilities to ensnare and visit the dreams of those she wants. Thanks to what she is, she can avoid being harmed by physical means, though Pokemon/people with psychic ability can block her out, and even hurt her to varying levels, even kill her if she's not careful.

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Page last autogenerated at Mon, Jun 20 / 2011 (12:27 PM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)