
Name: Lars Olson
Age: 16
Race: Possum

Description: Short in stature, even for his age, Lars is very self-conscious about his height and his age. He has a long white tail and large round glasses over his eyes, which are a brilliant blue. He wears loose-fitting clothing, and usually has a long purple scarf wrapped around his neck, covering his mouth. On warm days he wears a pair of baggy shorts and a tanktop, but keeps the scarf. He also wears sandals. On colder days he wears cargo pants and a long sleeve shirt with a tweed sweater vest. The scarf everpresent.

History: Extremely smart, Lars was deemed too smart for regular schooling. Having graduated high school and studied law and forensics in a variety of colleges, Lars became burnt out by the constant demands on his mind and attention, and fell into depression. Having left the practice for some R&R, he found himself prescribed by a questionable doctor to come to the Tub...the ideal place to relieve tension.

Personality: Polite and precocious, Lars is somewhat shy and inexperienced in matters beyond books. Sex and romance are exotic unfamiliars for him, and he's oftentimes not very direct about them. While he tries to control it, being 14 has cursed him with an insatiable libido and, once aroused, he'll be basically helpless to do or think of anything except satisfying his lust. Hates being teased about his size or age, and likes to consider himself already an adult.

(How to play with Lars):

He's a character sort of geared to pseudo-non-consenstual RPs. The best way to get started with him is to simply take advantage of his size and pick him up, pull him into your lap, snuggle or flirt with him. He's easily flustered, and once aroused, you can basically take advantage of him as you see fit. He is 90% inclined to sub, though will occassionally dom if presented an opportunity that fits with his character.

Lars is bisexual and whisper-friendly.

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