
Name- Chelsea King
Character Birthday- 4 / 12 / 1978
Sex- Herm
City- Berlin
Age- 29
Height- 6"4'
Species- Rat, duh.
Hair color- Disgustingly fluorescent purple
Eye color- Why am I listing this? Look at the picture. :I
Preference- Bisexual, males an' herms.
Kinks- Body odor, transformation, scat, mind control, rape, excessive cum, cock growth and hyper, pheromones, mindlessness.
Anti-Kinks- Five line intros that overdescribe you coming up and saying 'hello miss.' Just whisper me OOC. :3
Dom or sub?- I'm flexible, and I like scenes, so just propose we do one of those.

She acts as if it's perfectly normal.

Sitting in the middle of Starbucks like that, shirtless, slouched in one of their more comfortable armchairs, with a newspaper halfway opened on her lap. Her breasts obscure most of her view, so she huffs, and raises her arms, hiking up the newspaper.

Then you smell her.

She must be putting out something powerful, because even though she smells as if she's just finished with a cardio workout.. Your nostrils seem fairly apathetic, maybe even a bit pleased to get a whiff.. Before you know it, her eyes are locked on yours. She's caught you staring.

Like she cares.

She wasn't wearing a shirt, after all, why would she mind a bit of attention? Her newspaper's discarded on a nearby table, a smile tugs at the corners of her lips. She winks at you.

Time for a bit of a show.

She stretches, bending one of her legs out as far as it'll go, while drawing her free knee up to her ample chest.. Which squishes around it, as she hugs it to her upper body. She yawns, and repeats this for the other side.. This time, the leg raised against her chest is the one opposite facing you, allowing you to see..

Well, before we get into that, it'd help to know what she was wearing, wouldn't it?

They're some sort of vinyl pants.. Maybe even genuine leather, with sparkly, silver buckles dotting it here and there, really serving no purpose other than to make them look just a bit cooler. A little ring of black fuzz winds halfway down her shin.. Below that, her feet are adorned in.. Well, it almost looks like her pants and her shoes are just a one-piece article of clothing.

They are.

But the thing that /really/ draws your attention, as the leg farther away from you draws up against her body.. Is this thing.

This thing happens to be a cock.

And a rather large one, at that. The thing's as big as her fucking forearm, and just as veiny.. And oddly enough, you can tell this by lookin' at it through her pants. Eerie. Below that, two baseball sized orbs distort the space between her legs, light glinting off the shiny black vinyl, and making the outermost part of each one glint white. Her leg lowers, and the peepshow's over.

Though, her tits are still exposed.

Gigantic would be an understatement, in this case, as each one is as big as a fucking bowling ball. Unlike a bowling ball, however, they're each adorned in large, dinner-plate nipples.. Which, like her hands, and her nose, are the cutest shade of fluorescent, candy pink. Thick, mammalian nipples jut out from the center of each.. And from how each breast is pert and perky, despite their size, you get the impression that they might be bulging as they are 'cause they're filled with something..

Somehow, as her eyes burn lasers into your forehead, you pry your gaze upward.

The first thing you notice is her eyes. They're ice blue, the irises solid and large, encompassing more of the orb than the whites. Her pupils, in contrast, are comparatively small, specks of black dotting the center of each orb. Her lashes are wickedly curved, her lids tinted pink, eyebrows neatly plucked, and raised in curiosity, as she looks at you.

The second, of course, would be that crop of grape-soda-colored hair, styled in the front, feathered in the back, reaching just down to the bottom of her neck.. Flecks of light glint off of four gold earrings, two speared through each of her curved, pinkish ears, fuzzed gray on the outside. A similar glinting draws your attention to a black, leather collar around her neck, with an arrow-head designed piece of metal hanging from the front. No, it's not actual gold, she's relatively broke.

She sniffs.

Her nose twitches, a triangle with two small slits on either side.. It's just a centimeter or two above her upper lip, which is split down the middle by two comically large teeth, perfectly white, though if her scent was any indication of her personal hygiene, it's odd that they look so pearly.

Her belly bulges over the frontmost part of that pair of odd, black pants, bellybutton wide and deep, hips flaring out, stretching the garment to its physical limits. Her legs are like tree trunks, her entire form rather bottom heavy, though from the waist up, save for those gargantuan breasts, she looks almost lithe. Her tail looses itself from under her fat rump, the tip flicking between her shoulderblades in excitement as she stares, hands idly wandering to either one of her breasts.

The people behind the counter just stare. They'd call the cops, but it seems like she's good for business. And she looks rather friendly, so why don't you go and say hello?

Read my profile 'fore you message me, pls. :P

AIM - Dauven679

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Page last autogenerated at Thu, Aug 21 / 2008 (12:31 PM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)