
Taking a look over the girl with a quick glance you can guess that she must not be very old, Only 12 or so by the looks of it, standing at no taller than 3'2". She has a light build to her, which is typical for a cat-person as it would be, and she wears clothes that would seem to fit the role of a shrine maiden, or Miko, very well.
Her hair is a medium blue, the color of the sea, and it's in several loose spikey bangs over the top of her brow, some of it flowing down to about her shoulders or so. Two pigtails held in ornamental braiding ribbons droop down along the sides of her pretty little face, and she has large, watery amber eyes. Her cat's ears are mostly cream colored, and the tips are a snowy white. Behind her head, she wears a light orange ribbon with an ornamental pattern of triangles in white, followed by a thin band of orange, and ending in little frills at the end.
Up over her small little chest is the upper vest portion of her outfit, tied at the neck by a light cream colored scarf, the ends of it flailing out neatly. The vest is open, but her chest isn't really revealed, thanks to the white traditional chest bind that covers her breasts, though her cute little belly is easily seen, and the tails of her vest hand loose over the edges of her waist.
Her sleeves seem to be on her arms independent of her dress itself, held to her arms by red ribbons that are tied just a few inches over her elbows, the large white sleeves are very loose, sometimes draping over her little fingertips. Strung through the edges at the top of her sleeves, as well as at the cuffs, are lengths of red ribbon, about half an inch thick or so.
Around her hips, and leading down to just above her knees, is an orange skirt that matches her vest. It flows rather freely, and the back of it is occasionally lifted by her long and fluffy cream colored tail, the tip of it shaded white just like the tips of her ears. If one were naughty, you might catch a glimpse of her plain white panties when her tail lifts up high enough. Her legs are smooth, and shapely as a little girl's ought to be, and her feet are clad in simple white socks, which she often slips into straw Zorries.

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