Name: Knox Fable
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Species: Husky
Simple enough.
Knox is a young husky that hails from England, Leeds if you want to get specific. He's cheerful and energetic like most huskies are, and an exciting person, if not a tad eccentric. The young lad is an actor and a writer by heart, even though he studies Psychology, and often can be seen attempting to make up impromptu poetry or taking on sudden accents, other than his own proper English one. Knox himself is quite friendly and pleasant, as he's told, and tries rather hard not to get on anyone's bad side.
As far as appearances go, Knox is a smaller fellow, standing at about 5'7" with a lithe, though decently toned frame. He's one of the luckier ones, able to eat about whatever he wants with minimal consequence in weight. Unlike most huskies, however, Knox possesses eyes that range from a deep purple to a light fuchsia depending on the season and environment around him. Not much to say about it, as he has no idea why the colors change. The husky keeps his hair/headfur shorter, though wears it in all sorts of fashions to complement whatever he's wearing at the time.
Oh yeah. He's pink, too.
One of the only truly interesting things that ever happened to Knox, in his own opinion, was a freak accident that occurred outside a beauty salon of all places. Knox was simply passing by an alleyway beside the salon when he saw a man behind the open trailer door of a delivery truck, struggling to unload boxes by himself. Feeling bad for the man, Knox approached and offered his help, incidentally surprising the poor fellow, causing him to drop the box he was carrying. The result: 40 smashed vials of pink dye and a completely drenched husky. Try as he might, for weeks Knox tried to get the stuff out of his fur, with little positive result. Half black, half pink, the husky decided to bite the bullet and went in for a full treatment, dying his whole body, head to toe, pink; even the white of his coat got a slight tint change. After a few years, Knox has come to love his pink fur, though his femininity has taken a bit of an augmentation because of it.
The rest is superficial, really. Knox has several ear piercings, a couple on his lower lip, a round stud on his tongue, and a red star belly button ring, though he often changes them out, not often having the same set up in a preceding day.
As for clothing, Knox is sort of all over the place. He wears whatever he thinks looks good on him, whether it be a 'scene' outfit or an orange jump-suit. Typically when just lounging, though, he wears a fitted t-shirt and skinny black jeans. If he's feeling really narcissistic, he'll describe the outfit.
Anything else? We'll see.
A picture, by Onta, to which I based my character off of. I feel bad using it, but if need be I will take it down at his first notice.