Was he some sort of cat? Perhaps some exotic breed of otter, or weasel? Maybe even a mongoose. He certainly looked like one, with that thick, slightly-fluffed tail held rather stiffly upwards behind him, generally wagging just faintly with repressed excitement over something or another, his curious body structure, and even more curious the sounds he seemed to randomly utter as a part of his sentence, between his nigh-cackling "Akaka"s, to his sporadically placed "Nyerk"s. Just what exactly was he?
Kipihonerk, or 'Kip', was a Shugo. Not the feudal Japan lord, mind you. Let that sink in a moment. Sound familiar? If you've never heard of one, that's fine - most haven't. However they certainly fit the bill as "odd" for those who haven't. If asked, he tends to simply respond with "Shugo are Shugo", hoping that was enough of an answer, if any.
Kip was like most of his race: short, with a comparatively long, lanky form with just a hint of muscle that no doubt came from a life of carting around his goods for sale. In fact, it was hard for an outsider to visually tell the majority of his race apart from one another; there were certainly minute differences that varied from individual to individual including personality and faint nuances in pelage, his own being a blend of honey-beige that darkened to a sandstone, then faded to a silvery cream along his chin and belly. His ears were almost feline in design, if a bit on the slender side, and frequently swiveled about to listen closely to chatter and his surroundings. The fur on them faded to black towards their tips where they ended in unkempt little tufts. The left was pierced twice: two little golden hoops linked by a small, golden chain, while the right had a simple, silvery stud. His perky tail mirrored his preference for jewelry, with a gold band hugging the appendage just beneath where the fur there began to darken towards its tip. His eyes were wide and alert, a dark bronze-brown that could easily be mistaken as black. All in all his dimensions, proportions and attitudes made him seem almost.. cartoony, but he was very much serious, as much as his mannerisms seem to display otherwise.
His clothing didn't seem to help either - sporting a heavy, many pocketed pair of black cargo pants that more often than not covered his feet as he wandered about, making his gait rather silly to behold and whose waistline generally hung rather low despite the efforts of a pulled-tight belt with many new 'notches' carved in when even the smallest wouldn't do. A number of leathery satchels hung from his hips there, some full of coinage, others full of some form of odds and ends he was no doubt willing to sell to those interested. Covering his scarcely-visible feet were nothing more than faint leather sandal-wraps, of sorts - a cheap, but somewhat effective means of taking stress off of himself. So what if he was stingy? His jacket didn't seem to show it, being more of a 'jacket-vest' in style, and composed of fine, white silks as an exterior, and heavy, black leather as an interior. The exterior was lined beautifully with intricate, curious markings, and trimmed with similar designs while the interior was rather plain and lined with - you guessed it, pockets, mostly full to the brim with other doodads he no doubt deemed useful to others. He wore no shirt, and was comfortable that way, relying on the jacket to keep him warm on cold evenings, and cool on the hot days. He wore simple fingerless gloves to protect his palms from labor, but wore many a fanciful and decorative silver bands as rings as a testament to his past wealth, and how he'd love to expand on it.
To top off his look rather literally was a slightly-oversized ushanka he wore atop his head. He used it obviously for some protection for his head and ears, but mostly seemed to stuff quick payoff transaction cash under there until he could stow it properly, having no real "hair" minus the pelt that covered his whole body. Ah, the life of a slightly greed-possessed salesman.
He was certainly friendly, and open-minded, but could admittedly become somewhat standoffish - especially if the topic in question was personal, or worse.... discounts. As standoffish as he may ever get to be, he could always be put aside until he cooled off, sometimes literally in the regards of physical movement; hell, it seemed a strong breeze could topple him with his tiny frame and all that baggy clothing.
Accompanying him was a traveling wagon that made up his actual home away from home, and was filled with things otherwise too big to be put away, often sold off in some sort of makeshift-transportable on-the-carpet bazaar. Having no beasts of burden, and seeming too old-fashioned for any forms of engine, the wagon's exact form of locomotion is questionable.