
A slight red tint appears from the mistiness from the door. Feathers start fluttering out through the mist which is shortly followed by a wing. Powerful flaps push away that offensive steam letting the eyes settle on the one that just entered the room. Each of his wings reach up and wipe a bit of steam left from his glasses off, making quite apparent that his "hands" are prehensile fingertips/feathers on the ends of his wings (though has a pair of talons for thumbs). He puts them back on his beak and adjusts them looking a the many around whose gazes may be meeting him. Darkened brown robes from his scholarly pursuits cover how his puffs up to let a happy chirp emanate about the tub.

With the steam cleared a better look at the bird's beaming stance can be made. He stands rather short of the door frame, he couldn't be much taller than five foot and some change. A very clear lithe frame is seen with how his robes hang from his shoulders. The claws of his predatory talons clack along the floor as he makes his way to remove such encumbering clothing to quickly be replaced with that of a towel.

All his feathers glean a rather heavenly dark red, a lighter tint hidden amongst what under feathers are shown. All the feathers followed up and arched downwards over the back of his head. The only real and noticeable mark was a rather crude, almost tribal looking, sun in yellow on his back left shoulder blade. At last he takes a seat on the nearby couch, pushing all five of his feathers and fluff out of the way and fully relaxes.

Odds and ends
Since other people seem to have more specific stats in the profile here would be mind.

Height: 5'4"
Weight: 160lbs
Orientation: Will go either way.
Mated: No, not looking.
Anything else? Just ask. ^v^

Editing the Description: input the right password and

Page last autogenerated at Thu, Nov 03 / 2011 (05:15 PM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)