
Name - Karen Ladleman
Species - Bovine
Age - 23
Gender - Female
Eye Colour - Brown
Hair Colour - Blonde
Fur Colour - Brown/White
Personality - Forwards, Active, Bold.
Favorite Food - Pasta
Favorite Drink - Wine(Red)
Favorite Passtime - Reading
Height - 6'1"
Weight - .... (NO comment!)

History - Karen is a genetic experiment in mixing Bovine dna with Human dna to create a artifical creature to provide a new method of producing more "efficent and enriching" milk. This however was made illegal in most areas as it was exploiting "intelligent" life. and the project was scrapped, The Cows and bulls were "intergrated", into being Kind and have been part of the furry world scince. Their slightly more human than other furs, but are more than 75% bovine
so do not class as halfbreeds.
Karen herself is a third generation, her parents run a farm which combined classic dairy farming with their own methods.
She inherited the farm but left in order to educate herself, but is still welcome at home nonetheless.

Note - [The K2X9 Serum and its effects]
The K2x9 series designed for the Bovine species Karen is a part of is designed to enduce lactation. in higher doses the mammalries increase in size however this effect is temporary and often leaves them sore aftewards. The dose is limited therefore to prevent discomfort.

Description - Tall, light brown spots and white
Not a complete anthromorph Karen gains noticable "humanity" but her bovine features are still noticble, she has 3 fingers with large "hooflike" nails, hooved feet, thick fur covered hide, a long bovine tounge and flat teeth. (she has some canines, and incisors unlike regular cattle allowing her if she chose to eat meat)Her ears are long and "elflike" and are more sensative at both high and low frequency than human ears. She also has bovine tail and a four stomached digestive system. Her most noticable features however is her breasts, they are DD-E-F-FF cups (Depending on how recently she's "milked")and have udderlike nipples, she can be milked like a regular cow.
Due to her breeding, she is immune to quite a few human diseases aswell as many animal diseases. She is noticably stronger than a regular human, and noticably taller and heavier.
Her Left ear is peirced with the tag "43" [most often taken out]

Milk - Yeah most people like to know It is pretty much cows milk however its noticably more sweet and has more nutrients in it. If she has taken K2X9 the pressure in her boobs gradually build until they become a FF cup, at this point she has to release the pressure or suffer the embaressment of leaking.

Clothes- Her clothes differ depending on what she's doing, however due to preference she always wears a cowbell. Primarily she wears a large brassier (she has a few diffrent cup sizes), a loose fitting shirt, and a Pair of Shorts.

Pictures - A friend drew this and I decided to use it to reprisent Karen.

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Page last autogenerated at Thu, Mar 09 / 2006 (12:38 PM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)