
Name: Juko Greyson
Age: 19
Species: Wolf
Fur Color: Luxurious blue coat with black face/ear/tail markings
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Bright grey-green
Height: 6'
Family: Syni Greyson, sister
Sexuality: Straight
Mate: None
Master/pet(s): None
Lover(s): Syni Greyson

Juko Greyson is a slender and athletic built wolf. He came to the tub with his younger sister, Syni. The pair fled their previous life of wealth and luxury once it became clear their relationship would never be accepted. Finding the Tub they decided this might be a decent place to lay new roots... Surely the inhabitants here are not that judgmental.

The pair of them, Juko and Syni, are rather... odd couple to say the least. Their relationship goes further then just brother and sister. They are bound by more then just blood, they are also bound by a deep lustful love for one another.

Their relationship blossomed when they were younger. After a year alone with none one close but his sister. And then finding out she was going through a rough break-up. Syni turned to him and he open his arms to help comfort her. One thing, lead to another and then... Kept going.

Because of the rather intimate relationship with Syni, Juko does not get around all that much. He loves his sister far to much to even think of being with others. Even when she would allow him he tends to be a bit shy towards doing it. But as far as making friends he has no trouble and actually likes to talk and just hang out with others, when not with his sister.

When it comes to sex, Juko is not too experienced in it. He knows the basic positions. He has only slept with two other females that were not his sister. And he doubts the number will go up all that much either. He is extremely jealous of Syni, even at times he does not show it. Though on occasion if he gets to know the person first, there are the rare chance that he would let her go, if not join in himself.

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