If asked to fill out a description card, this is how it would read:
Name: Jay Dizzle
D.O.B.: 06/07/85... otherwise legal in most things.
Height: 5'11", but is taller in most conveinence stores and gas stations...
Weight: 210 lbs. ; evenly distributed, of course.
Descriptive Traits: Was born to a small family in the States. Traveled the world a bit here and there... so he can read a Road Map. Is currently attending University to get a degree in Film Making...
...but what else?
-Is a somewhat balanced in being a introverted and extroverted personality. Will keep quiet if interested in conversations going around the room, but at the same time has a tendency to be chatty if the mood suits him.
-Prone to wearing hoodie sweatshirts most of the time if going about day-to-day. Not so much a fashion statement as much as not being a snappy dresser.
-Has the standard black and grey stripe pattern on tail and rest of fur, but has dyed tip and scruffy mass of hair on the top of his head Red. Also barely upkeeps a goatee whenever the mood strikes... has the "College Hippy" look down pat.
-Carries a nondescript grey and blue backpack to wherever he travels. Usually has a sketchpad and a laptop inside to take in surroundings. Likes to have a visual description of where he goes so as to have proof of "being there."
Hates those "you had to be there" stories...
...but what else?
-Is open to most suggest as is one of those "try almost anything" once types... not into feetplay so much as is slightly grossed out by own.
-If asked to explain why the "04", will simply answer "it's a long story and it involves a wild Spring Break trip.