
G'day all! I'm supposed to tell ya'll a lil' bit about me on here eh?

Well, I'm a tallish guy, probably around six foot, not quite, but close enough, I think I get it from my da, he was one helluva big boomer. I've been workin' on my abs lately, not really gettin' too far, but I'm far from flabby, we'll just call that cuddleable. Then from there there's the normal accoutrement, six inch pointy ears, muzzle that stuns the shelias, and a tail so thick I could take a small tree down with it. :)

I'm right proud of my orangish red fur, shampoo and conditioner every day, gotta buy the big bottles... heh. Green eyes that'd stop ya in yer tracks. I'm usually wearing shorts, possibly a white tee, and very rarely a black leather jacket... I like my jacket, but it's bloody hot!

Anyhow, anything else, feel free to ask!



Yes... Kangaroo.

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