[Okay, just to start, while I do appreciate a level of realism, there are certain aspects of the opossum that I don't think translate well, so don't expect to see anything about her being double wombed in here. But she does have a pouch, which makes no sense as then she should have no breasts, but whatever.]
Full name: Jacklyn Bailey
Species: Virginian Opossum
Age: 24
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: (She would consider it impolite to ask, although she's rather on the slender side.)
BWH: 31-23-35
Appearance: A rather tall and lanky female opossum, we'll start from the top. Jacky often kept her hair cut rather short, in something of a bob-style with her bangs tending to hang in front of her blue eyes. Indicative to the Virginian Opossum species, Jacky is mostly white furred, including her hair, but with patches of black around her eyes, on her shoulders and all the way down to just above the base of her tail, as well as her wrists and ankles. She a few piercings along the rim of her ears and her belly button pierced as well.
Personality: Jacky is a quirky individual, tending to be a bit more crass and blunt than people might expect from her. This comes from having grown up with a large family or almost nothing but boys. She doesn't really mean any harm by it, she just likes to tease people but it's easy to see how some would quickly come to the conclusion that she is just rude. Being a possum, she tends to be wary of strangers until she warms up to them and really has a big thing about permission to approach her. Unwanted contact will usually result in a rather combative possum. Patience is advised with getting to know her.
Clothing style: Jacky generally dresses rather casually, t-shirts and jeans, sometimes with a hoody, other times a tank top and skirt if she's feeling particularly girly.
Other notes: [Jacky does not have a pouch, never has. For the sake of her character, she's never heard of possums having pouches either, so questioning her about the lack of one will only confuse her.
While she does have a prehensile tail, it is not strong enough to support her full weight to hang around from. Instead she uses it like a third hand, utilizing it to grab and manipulate objects for her.
Jacky is a smoker.]