
Name: Ides
Species: American Opossum
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Height: 5'
Weight: Don't you know not to ask a girl that?
Build: Slim, but slightly toned.
Orientation: Adventurous.

The cute little Opossum girl! Still new to the Tub she's still trying situate herself, but is finding herself very comfortable among its inhabitants. Her name is Ides, which she got because she was born in the middle of the month of April. She's a good ol' fashion (or not so old fashion) southern girl, talking with a hint of an accent.

The Opossum is rather short, only 5 feet from ear tips to feet. Her ears are for the most part pink with black splotches at their tips. She has eyes that are a soft brown color, and her nose extends out in that of a normal Opossum, ending in a flat, pink nose. Her fur is mostly white, and has a wirey texture to it. She has one black splotch of fur on the middle of her back, as well as one on her tummy and another on her right breast. Her breasts are a perky C cup, with nipples that just barely stick out about her fur. Her body tone is slim with a hint of definition around her stomach and her arms and legs, hinting that she does some form of physical activity. She also has the trademark tail of an opossum, her's being a bright pink, thick (about a 5 to 6 inch diameter) at the base above her rounded rump and ending in a point, tail being just long enough so that a few inches of it will drag on the floor when she's standing unless she holds it up. Her paws are rather small and furless with just her pink skin showing and has short blunt claws. And finally, yes, she is a marsupial and does have a small pouch on her lower stomach just below her black patch of fur.
As far as clothes she wheres a white tank top, a pair of denim blue jeans and a pair of work boots. She doesn't ware a bra but always wears panties.

Personality and Tendencies:
Ides can be a bit shy, afraid sometimes to approach new people, but once she's able to get around that she is very friendly, and is happy to talk, snuggle, what have you. It can be easy to scare her, so please be nice, she does have an uncontrollable instinct like her wild cousins to "play dead" when scared and she will freeze up and go limp, acting like she's dead.

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