
Generations after befriending the people of Earth, Buu eventually created a female counter-part and spawned a family, each doing the same leading to a small and recognized race called the "Majin" people. Huu is a descendant of this race!

Huu is a Majin much like the one that visited Earth decades before as she's the same type of creation, sharing the traits of: pink skin, red eyes, ability to mimic seen techniques of many kinds, and an insatiable love of candy; but! There are also key differences, like being a female and the lack of any forms other than her current one. Huu enjoys discovering new things and seeing if they're a new kind of candy instead!

Being a Majin means she can: regenerate injuries, change body shape, stretch, bend, liquify, and other wonderful tricks that make her extremely odd but fun. It also means that she desires and only consumes candy and/or sweet things as her sole food source and has a knack for turning things into candy if there's none around.

Huu can have a temper if she doesn't get her way, but she's easily sated with sugary offerings or kindness. She's visiting this planet like many others to explore and meet potential allies as she also samples treats!

As for her body, Huu is very short, no more than four feet at most, with a very trim and sleek frame except for her perky round breast kept in a binding like those on her wrists and ankles! She wears the traditional pants of a Majin but her beltplate has a curved "H" instead of "M"! She also keeps her head tentacle in a hair-ring to make a ponytail out of it. To try and copy human hair, Huu has a half-head of sweeping pink bangs to one side, covering one side of her face at any given time.

(Huu visual: http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/182/1/0/10bcafc63d60cc04cf5aa5b754aeb3a4-d6bjwud.jpg )

(This is all fan-made for fun and doesn't intend to tread on the original ideas of its creators and belongs to them, so please just have enjoy and be fun!)

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Page last autogenerated at Mon, Jul 01 / 2013 (04:50 PM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)