
Gray fuzzy skin with smooth, wavy dark patches. A black band around big, big black eyes and a cute pink nose. Human lips that never fully close, revealing the two incisor teeth. Short, curly black hair, from which poke big elongated ears. Flat chest (usually) and flared hips leading to full thighs. Strong but thin arms and long, thiefish fingers. (I know thiefish isn't a word but shhh). A long, smooth back leading down to a perfect round ass, and a long and fuzzy prehensile tail.
Likes long socks.
Loves reading but often gets lost in the book. Terrible artist, but loves to get covered in paint. Prone to idolizing (and thus easily dominated) anyone smarter or more talented at anything. LOVES getting piercings but never takes good enough care for them, ending up having to take them out and start over.

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Page last autogenerated at Thu, Oct 06 / 2011 (10:45 PM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)