(Working on it hold on)
(she is pub and wisper friendly.... and If I dont respond to a whisper please pub me I most likely missed your post.. I will get back to you)
There was an accident and the used to be human girl was turned into a living latex being. she is able to control her form much more then before, she can now have nomal looking skin, or soft fur. She can Change forms from any size to any shape, she cannot rip tear or break. But she does have limits, she cannot make more then three (total) coppies of herself, and she does not play with men.
She is a lesbian and all feamle, but like before she can become anything she wants so....use your imagination. She does like to play and be controlled...if you think you have what it takes to capture her and make her a pet, you are more then welcome to try.
forms by color
magenta: human
blue: latex
green: horse herm
thats it so far
human form
when she takes a human form she has waiste long red hair and almost ghost white skin, soft green eyes are tucked behind thin rimned glasses and her body covered by a lovely red dress. On her feet are knee high red boots and over her shoulder a red purse.
latex form
in latex form she is more or less a blob, an unformed mass of blue latex on the floor able to streach bend and twist, and also grow tenticles.
Horse Herm form
in this form she is a large white mare with a large sheath between her legs. her legs end in thick black hooves and she only has three fingers on each hand. her mane is long and golden and she has a full snout. if it was not for the large chest and standing upright she would almost be feral.
(NO MEN please I am tired of getting swamped by so many whispers.... and I really just not interested)
sorry to disapoint but the only messanger I have so far is AIM Latex Claire911
my friends (its hard to get on this list. there is something special you have to do to get here.. ask me to find out)
Claire Sindel
I am looking for a new pic if you found one that suits me Please please I would love to have one
ok me playing with raven, from teen titans... I dont know if I am going to keep this pic or not yet...