Player's Note: I will not RP via private chat, so please do not try to. Due to Gorin's inability to speak, I'd rather use private chat to be able to better explain certain things. That being said, if you approach me through PMs, I will be speaking with you as the player - not as the character. No exceptions.
Gorin is an eastern dragon. He primarily focuses on keeping his close friends and loved ones safe. He is often found accompanying his closest friend, "Quickshade" on many of her 'jobs'. He is her companion more often than not whether it is to tag along or to protect her.
Gorin is not 100% mature. Unlike other dragons he is bound to be on the ground as he will never have wings. However he is very fast and agile - much like a snake. He is even faster in the water. Gorin is probably a young adult. In human years he is probably only about 18 (however in dragon years he's probably close to 1500 years).
Gorin is unable to breath fire - as that is not his type. He can, however, expel a type of poison from his mouth in the form of acid, liquid or even gas.
Gorin is friendly, however, and he rarely uses his toxicity unless he absolutely has to (for there is no actual cure).
Information regarding his visit to the Tub:
He's recently been separated from his friends and loved ones. He may not be able to return and unfortunately has no way of communicating with them or anyone else. When he has reached a strong bond with someone however he is capable of talking via telepathy (these bonds are hard to actually form and even harder to break).
He is very much like a feral dragon however he is more intelligent and understands what is being said (as long as it isn't in a foreign language other than English of course). He can roar, hiss, growl and make weird little noises. He has even been known to purr or 'chirp'.
He is very curious, and he hates to be alone.
For other information, yes he is a male and he can get naughty if given the opportunity. Even his kind have their needs. Like many natural reptiles he has two penises (aka hemipenes)..but he has control on whether or not he uses one or both. Like snakes, whenever he 'breeds' he will 'lock' with his mate for a period of time. This is because his hemipenes will actually swell within his partner.
Gorin is friendly to all genders..he is not specific. However, he tends to be more dominant and aggressive towards males and more passive and sweet (he adores females when they give him attention).
Gorin is roughly 52 feet stretched out from nose to tail-tip. Standing while stretched out his head will hit about 10 feet. He is not done growing.
He also has ribbons hung from large loops attached to his ears. There is a ribbon wrapped around his tail. There is also a ribbon which he will frequently hold in his claws or wrap around his neck. This particular ribbon - while similar to the others - was a gift and was very special to him. It was given to his life-long friend Quickshade.
Character's Note:
Gorin will not just 'sleep' or 'mount' anyone. He is very specific and saves those special moments for people he deeply cares about. Yes, he has his needs - but he is very particular.
Not sure what else to put so here is a picture.
The picture was not done by me but I did pay for it. :)